
Legionnaires Hot or Not: Chemical King to Quislet

DCAU #49: The Mechanic

This Week in Geek (22-28/02/16)

DCAU #48: Zatanna

Krypto #9: The Execution of Krypto

DCAU #47: The Man Who Killed Batman

DCAU #46: Off Balance

Swords vs. Guns: The Debate Rages On

DCAU #45: I Am the Night

RPG Talk: Swords Are Better Than Guns

DCAU #44: What Is Reality?

oHOTmu or NOT Ep.2: A.I.M. to American Eagle

DCAU #43: Birds of a Feather

Secret Origins Podcast: Midnight

DCAU #42: Almost Got 'Im

This Week in Geek (15-21/02/16)

DCAU #41: Terror in the Sky

Krypto #8: He's Jimmy's Dog