This Week in Geek (12-18/02/07)


This was one of those weeks from hell specially crafted by the Beast That Shall Remain Nameless itself to damn yours truly's soul for all time. Pond of fire, I know thy pain well. So did I manage to read, listen, watch anything of note. Not really. Oh, there's Tower of Babel, the JLA trade paperback. It was ok. The idea that Batman has devised ways of destroying each Justice Leaguer in case they go rogue is cool, though some of the tactics he would have used are a little too high-tech for him.

If I was too busy to geek out, it's because I had to go to the national improv tournament in Trois-Rivières, Qc this weekend. Some geeky moments nonetheless. My team managed a beautiful wuxia-style improv that didn't parody the genre. A big thumbs up to Pout and his Ottawa team for their Baliwood interpretation of the same theme. Otherwise, telekinesis jokes and getting my Showcase Presents Teen Titans omnibus soaked on the trip were the geekly highlights and lowlights.

Now back to my regularly scheduled dazed staring.


Anonymous said…
What about hex jokes???
Siskoid said…
Ah yes, the Scarlet Witch's hexes was a big part of the weekend. Needless to say, the reason it's not mentioned here is because I'm gonna post about it on its own later!