Because everybody's doing it: A St. Patrick's post

Christmas, sure. St. Valentine's, sometimes. St. Patrick's... not so much. And by that I mean celebrating said holiday on top of a comic book cover. There's one I can think of:So to put some meat on this Irish stew of a post, here are comics that I suspect were made by very, very drunk people.*

After a ton of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rip-offs, usually starring hamsters, we got this.
Which promptly killed the genre.

This pun seemed like a good idea at the time...

Australian pride... it's like Irish pride, but with kangaroos kicking you in the face!

I don't know what's the worst idea here:
That Sue is kissing Doom's cold face mask with such gusto, or that Gambit was apparently invited at the wedding.

So have a good party/binge tonight and I hope it ends well for you.
Remember, be safe!

*Drunk on life, that is!


Marc Burkhardt said…
Was that last series Marvel's answer to Lady Cop - 20 years too late?
Siskoid said…
Looks like it!

Though instead of warning people about VD, she gets it herself. Revisionistic crap.

Anonymous said…
Michael Golden drew that COPS cover?!?!


Sadly, he did a LOT of covers for crap comics.

ah, well...
