RPGs that time forgot... The Sailor Moon RPG

Sailor Moon RPG and Resource Book
Tag Line: The ultimate English-language guide to the world's most popular Magical Girl Japanese anime series!
Makers: Guardians of Order for the Tri-Stat System

What is it?
Half a role-playing game that allows you to play Sailor Scouts, half a guide to your favorite manga/anime about school girls with magical powers.

Neat Stuff
-Lots of color illustrations? Yep, I'd call that neat.
-Though it concentrates on Sailor Moon itself, allowing you to play both Shenji (Scouts) and Knights (like Tuxedo Mask), even a Guardian Cat, it provides a full discussion on the Magical Girl genre and its history, so you could conceivably creater your own series.
-Extra little guides: Places to go in Tokyo, Theme song translations, Japanese word glossary, a text on school life in Japan, and of course an episode guide.
-Character sheets are artless, but they include such things as Favorite Color and Food.

Bad Stuff
-Well, if you're a fan of the manga, or God forbid, the live-action series...
...then you're gonna be unhappy with the sourcebook information. Although the manga version IS mentioned and briefly discussed. Differences between the Japanese and North American versions get a mention, but the text assumes the latter to be "true". Sorry, purists!
-It uses Tri-Stat, which is a perfectly good system, but I have friends who had problems with the escalation of dice and stats in their Dragonball game. All I can say is, Sailor Moon isn't Dragonball. "We hold these truths to be self-evident..." In any case, the level of complexity is probably all wrong for a game that could have easily been a girl's first RPG.

"One can envision average Negaverse citizens living in complete ignorance concerning the activities of their monarch, Queen Beryl, and her armies."

How I've used it
I've only ever used it to bond with girls I've had as roommates. I will not embarass any guys by saying I also used it to bond with them. Here at Siskoid's Blog, it's really more about humiliating myself than others. What's that, you say, Carolynn?
Ah yes. But you willingly put that head-case on, my friend. WI-LLING-LY.

In conclusion
The only real reason I'd want to play is to give Zoycite that crazy laugh. A guilty pleasure to be sure, and I haven't really watched Sailor Moon since then (a matter of opportunity rather than taste), I say get it if you like both the show and RPGs, if only to compare the stats on the girls, their friends and foes. The Negaverse, Crystal Tokyo, it's all here, with lots of illustrations. My favorite has always been Sailor Jupiter. How about you?


Anonymous said…
Pff! Sailor Moon is so ghey!

....definatly a fan of Jupiter too...
Anonymous said…
Can you feel the love tonight....
Marc Burkhardt said…
Sailor Mars.

But I like the untranslated anime the best. That's where the girls questioned Tuxedo Mask's sexuality.