This Week in Geek (19-25/03/07)

I promised hockey results, so here they are: Aigles Bleus lose against the UNB Varsity Reds 3-2. They won't be closing university tomorrow, so I better finish my roundup and go to bed.


DVDs this week: Little Miss Sunshine, which came recommended by Carolynn and, uhm, the Academy, I guess. As usual, I'm buying films sight unseen, although I did see my second buy, Stranger Than Fiction, and enjoyed it enough to make it part of my collection. I happened to see with a girl who was disappointed she didn't pee her pants from laughter, but I thought it was a great tragi-comic turn for Will Farrell and Emma Thompson can do no wrong.

As for comics, it's getting to be a monthly trip to the store to get the most recent Showcase Presents. This time, it's House of Mystery vol.2 and Hawkman. Since it's still 3-for-2 on Marvel and DC trades, I also got Essential Captain America vol.1, which I'd been eying for a while, and it's no disappointment. Jack Kirby is ON in this thing. Check out the image on the right for proof. That is totally whacked out. It's got Batroc ze Leaper, Modok and Hitler... it's the comics blog equivalent of the Holy Bible.

Oh, and I couldn't help but also get Brave and the Bold #2 based on the success of the previous issue. Looks almost as good.


Only crafted 5 cards for my Unauthorized Dr. Who CCG, but that spelled the end of the Timeline expansion, so it's a big deal. Not the favorite booster pack art I ever made, but does the job (you can open a virtual pack here). Up next will be a small 7-card set based on the Peter Cushing Dalek movies.

Warcraft: It's been all about Lynda with a Y this week, with Sarajane seeing no play. Got her from level 18 to 23, which is a great place to be for a shaman. Ghost Wolf form, Water breathing powers, and new maps. I think this is the first time I really finished a map completely before moving on, and I'm already missing Bloodmyst Island. Ashenvale sucks. You heard me, elves, ASHENVALE SUCKS! Still, very nice send-off for Bloodmyst with some cool Elite missions. When that giant demon babe showed up, I thought I was gonna crap my pants (and given that there's a hole in it for my Dranai tail, that would not have been pretty).

Finished watching the Super-Friends "Season 2" DVD. That's the one with Zan and Jana, not the Legion of Doom one incidently. It was ultimately sillier than the first one (not just for the featurette where Paul Dini discusses the show while scarfing down cereal and pop tarts and the Zan & Jana music video), but I was surprised by the quality of some of the action setpieces. For some reason, by the end of the season, it seemed like the Super-Friends were operating in the 30th century. Weird, and no doubt, future blog fodder.

And while our RPG session had to be cancelled because of schedule problems, Bass' brother Phil finally came in to create a character, and it was a fun exercise. We decided that post-Crisis, Green Arrow's place in the Seven Soldiers of Victory should be filled by an archer (instead of Wing or whatever sidekick they put in his stead). So the Battling Bowman was born, and prompty given a Captain America send-off, frozen in ice and thawed out in the present day of our Crusaders campaign (i.e. the late 1989 DC Universe). Here's proof (note that the Golden Age Speedy has been replaced by Bowman's sidekick Bowy):

Website finds

Doctor Who Series 3 starts in less than a week now (in the UK, at any rate) and I'm starting to get excited. Here's the new teaser trailer.

Find music you love on Pandora. It's a nice service where you can create radio stations that correspond to your tastes, but it's all about musical discovery. They'll play stuff LIKE the stuff you like, using a variety of "genomes" such as tonality, instrumentation, vocals and influences.

And ending on bit a silliness... Mathematically-inclined couples should check out this important information on Bedtime Entropy. Actually, just go ahead and check Wellington Grey's entire archive of charts.


Anonymous said…
I was pleasantly suprised by Stranger Than Fiction. I really, really enjoyed it, but I've yet to actually go out and buy it.

Personally, I wasn't a fan of Brave and the Bold #2. It had it's moments, but Supergirl's extreme stupidity ruined a big portion of it for me.
