So I started work on a new WhoCCG expansion called Ancient Foes. 11 cards from The Sontaran Experiment made out of two dozen planned. I'm happy to have made creative use of some DVD extras, but the card I'll show here is a "Reject" card based on my good friend Colin Hicks' fanfic, which I made for his 30th. I'm pretty happy with the compositing.
Warcrap news: Lynda has gone from level 30 to 33 this week, but no screenshots of note. I'm starting to think the Burning Crusade expansion has unbalanced the game something fierce however. Those level 70s can easily kill town sentinels, so they spend way too much time raiding towns and killing lower level characters, despite the fact there's no Honor or treasure in it. Getting ganked 6-12 times per hour at peak traffic times is getting more and more frequent. Something I think Blizzard has to have a look at.
Because I had to go to the provincial high school improv tournament over the weekend, that's pretty much it for "accomplishments", but some geekly improvs of note include a very well rendered sketch in the style of Quentin Tarantino (best I've seen because it didn't go for clichés) and a 30-minute improv by us old folks that might as well have been written by Philip K. Dick. Also, because two of us referees are playing Warcraft at the moment, we started referring to ourselves as level 70s come to gank those poor kids (I did expel a couple and at one point, literally had blood on my hands - bad improv apparently causes nosebleeds).
Website finds
Here's a PVP strip I enjoyed. It's less about gamers than about laughing at Lost, which has failed to interest me despite everyone else's obsession with it. PVP is consistently entertaining, so I hope you're reading this already.
Speaking of strips I enjoyed, here's the reason why there hasn't been an Aquaman movie yet.
And for people with weird interests, like getting yourself photographed next to big things, check out before touring Canada. Or is that just something *I* like to do?
That's not me in the picture, by the way.