How Tintin is like Hal Jordan

Wait for it...
Wait...It's coming...Waiiiiit... Oh, oh! We're almost there!
And there we have it: Hit in the head by a ceiling tile.
All brain damage from a single source: Le Crabe au Pinces d'Or by Hergé.


Anonymous said…
Excellent! But still no pistol whip...I'm aching with anticipation here!
Siskoid said…
This is only the first in the Hergé Head Trauma series.
joncormier said…
Yeah my favourite is the gorilla brick head trauma in the Black Isle. I mean it's got Tintin in a kilt fighting a gorilla on a Scottish isle that is covered completely by a castle.

That was the pinnacle of comics for me. The rest is now gravy since I was like seven.