Charlton Mistakes

Face it, there are many...

This is not judo.Daniel Boone cannot be abbreviated Dan'l Boone, or Daniel B'ne, or Da'oon, or anything like that. No matter how much you need to rip off another company's trademark or have a special affection for the words "Frontier Scout".
And sometimes, it's all a mistake.

But in the interest of throwing Charlton a bone, here's a series it was a mistake not to publish more than 7 issues of.
Should still be running as far as I'm concerned.

But Charlton... Charlton says "It's enough that we try."


Anonymous said…
THAT'S the Special Olympics slogan I've been trying to remember all this time! Thanks Mike!
Anonymous said…
Holy parachuting nurses Batman!


I guess the term "crash cart" takes on a whole new meaning!
rob! said…
i see an Olsen Twins film franchise! they can get it cheap since Charlton's out of business!