1-This book is DENSE compared to most superhero books on the shelves today, so it's the opposite of Meltzer's decompression style. (I'd also say that having characters actually be in character is also unlike Meltzer, but that would be mean. I'll let the comic make my point for me.)
2-Meltzer's version of the Justice League shows up. Says Rip Hunter Time Master about this line-up: "This isn't the greatest the League will ever be."
3-Booster on Geo-Force being on the team: "Come on, if freaking Geo-Force is on the team, I definitely deserve a spot."
4-A dig at the Justice Leaguers calling each other by name:
I mean, anytime someone drops the Bruce-bomb on Batman, it's got to hurt, right?
5-Rip Hunter recruits Booster to get at whoever is screwing up continuity, which means DC admits that continuity is screwed up. I'll let you guess who he thinks is one of the culprits.
6-How does Johns pay for this, karmically? He attacks his own Infinite Crisis through Rip Hunter: "Punching history, please." (Which he still finds ridiculous to believe.)
7-He further admits his mistake in helping kill Ted Kord: Booster's price for his sacrifice is that the events of Countdown to Infinite Crisis be undone and that Blue Beetle gets to live. Booster also goes and mentions Wonder Woman's out-of-character killing of Maxwell Lord and it's a sore point.
So there you have it. Either Johns is calling Meltzer out, or Booster Gold spends a lot of time reading the blogs. Rip Hunter too, since according to his newest blackboard: "Don't worry about Countdown... focus elsewhere."
Johns was mocking Geo-Force openly at San Diego, too -- pretty funny!
Can you tell when I just about gave up on the DC Universe?
And can I say how much I enjoyed Booster Gold 1? Really such a nice read compared to some of the other DC titles currently.
Call it a fanwanky thing, but at some point I want Batman to either find out or figure out why BG is acting this way and what he is really doing - and be impressed. Never tell anyone else, of course, but to know.
I've been on a trades-only diet since '99, and Brave and the Bold and now Booster Gold have made me buy monthlies for the first time since then. With B&B ending in a couple months, it'll leave me with the one title, but BG seems to be it.
The events do tend to blur into one another. BG #1 was a lot of fun, though. I agree that Batman will probably turn out to be one of Booster's biggest supporters -- behind the scenes, naturally.
Johns and Meltzer are Superfriends. This is just brilliantly lain fanservice. And good for him, I laughed out loud every time.
But Geoff is making fun of you more than he's making fun of Brad.
I have the exact same relationship with most of my friends.
And this post should be read in the same way. Obviously, these guys aren't at each others' throats. I don't think any of it was mean spirited.