Green Lantern of Two Worlds

"Oh Siskoid's Crisis! Why you go and make us cry?"

Well, my little citizens of Earth-Prime, because worlds must live and worlds must die, and I enjoy the occasional (read: eternal) crossover once in a while (read: at all times). This week, it's all about the Big 2 - the two original Earths.On Earth-1, Hal Jordan is Green Lantern, facing with a yellowish monster (will his ring be able to help him?). His biggest advantage is liberal rabble-rouser Green Arrow, so you know they're gonna leave a trail of illegitimate children behind.

On Earth-2, Alan Scott is Green Lantern, facing a similar monster with silly putty scale armor (silly putty isn't a wood product by any chance?). His biggest advantage is a bad case of gas. No? That's not an advantage you say? Ok, how about this: His biggest advantage is that he DOESN'T hang out with Green Arrow.

As the monsters merge into their Earth-1.5 amalgam, our two GLs must band together (with Green Arrow in the role of the nosy neighbour). Let the new multiverse begin! (As soon as the Monitor Committee approves my funding.)


rob! said…
i would imagine the Monitor makes you fill out a TON of forms....
Siskoid said…
Don't worry. I let my alternate selves take care of the paperwork. Siskoids from Earths 22 and 23 were up all night this week.
Anonymous said…
Hey, you're Siskoid Prime, right?
Then all you gotta do is punch something until everything goes your way.
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Siskoid said…
I would, but my neighbours-Prime have a low tolerance for noise.