FORMULA: Cause and Effect + The Inner Light + (Chain of Command Part II x Schisms)
WHY WE LIKE IT: Twists and turns in the Philip K. Dick tradition. And that shattering effect!
WHY WE DON'T: How little theater is popular in the future.
REVIEW: A great reality bender where you never know what to believe and where your expectations are constantly subverted. What helps is that Jonathan Frakes really sells Riker's performance as a man going insane (and that Riker is a good actor, hence his semi-frequent undercover work). Then, Riker himself goes off the deep end, but when you think he's rejecting reality, he's not! Creepy and off-putting, the ending finally gives us some beautiful effects shots of reality - and Riker - breaking apart, and we're left to ponder just where Riker pulled all the fantasy elements from. Finally, there's a great bit of catharsis as Riker dismantles the Frame of Mind set.
It's hard to say much else, since any "problem" can be explained away by the very concept of the episode (like the ridiculousness of reflection therapy - still as interesting concept - or the play's weird ending). One irrelevant observation though: If my boss were in a play aboard ship, I would be curious enough to go see it. On a ship of 1000+ people, why aren't there more spectators? Just how many nights does it have to run for you to get your chance? Is it broadcast on closed circuit? Are the holodecks full of spectators watching it has it is being recorded (or later)? Or is theater really that unpopular in the future? Questions that keep me up at night.
LESSON: There is no spoon.
REWATCHABILITY - High: Another high concept Brannon Braga script that keeps you guessing even when you've already seen the episode!
Pretty sure Riker, captain of the red team, has the best 'apport' of the league.