Extant, right?

From Booster Gold #2:Looks like the face mask at any rate. I kinda figured him for the time traveling bad guy in Booster Gold #1, just from the context and shadow, but I hope I'm wrong. Extant is one facet of DC's "Who am I really?" hive-villain, who's also been at once Monarch, Captain Atom and Hawk (anyone else?).

Given that turning Monarch into Hawk at the last minute was one of DC's worst moves ever, the Extant element was probably the weakest aspect of Zero Hour, so I have no love for the character (I'm loathe to even call him that). That said, Booster Gold #2 is loads of fun, so if a series can redeem Extant to any extent (ha! I made an unfunny!), it's this one. (If it IS him.)

Skeets forever!


At some point, I think Extant was also Waverider (I recall the scene in Zero Hour where Extant takes off his mask and Waverider's looking at himself). Maybe it was that Extant duplicated Waverider's powers ... ?
Siskoid said…
And in my mind, I thought he was Green Lantern/Parallax, but Wiki says no!

But that whole thing is such a mish-mash, who knows anymore?