Batman and the Outsiders #2: Pages 7-8

So we got our girls back into the story. What about zombie Geo-Force?Oh great! Amnesia! Yes, perfect, cuz that's a plot device I haven't seen in, oh, 2 panels?
Watch out Bedlam! You've been penetrated! But while you ponder that terrific dialogue, don't forget to take a good long look at those strategic maps on the wall. Where is that? It's not any part of Europe I recognize, and Markovia itself can be drawn in detail on a napkin, so what is it? The glowing gemstone in the middle leads me to believe the bunker doubles as an art gallery in peace time.
Read between the lines: Bedlam will be late to his rendezvous because he's being penetrated just at the moment.
Introducing the Bedlam salute. There he was during his 40-year exile trying to come with something just like the Nazi salute, but you know, totally original, and he caught that episode of Star Trek where the crew's all evil and stuff? 15 years of legal battles with the Great Bird of the Galaxy later, and the courts had granted him the open hand version of that salute. Kinda looks like the guy's going "I should be going (that way) now?" but what are you gonna do? All the good ones were taken.
Meanwhile, back in the cell, Batman's trying to pull a Dr. Phil.
Well, obviously! Because superheroes don't ever lose their powers for other reasons.
There Batman goes again, assuming Black Lightning asked a stupid question so he gives a stupid answer. Is that what BL meant though? I thought he meant "what if it wasn't guilt blocking the power?" All I ask for is clarity. And maybe not having Geo-Force on the team.
Tiny soldiers, bring up the rear! We giants will protect you! Men, prepare to TAP DANCE!!!
Q: Why is Batman bashing boots all of a sudden?
A: Because Nike is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises.


Anonymous said…
List of people with memory impairment:
-Halo (name, planes and automobiles)
-GeoForce (purpose)
-Black Lightning (power)

Who's next: Bats?
"Why am I dressed in this costume? What is this around my waist? Let's call this a BELT."


BTW Siskoid, you have no mercy. You're still kicking and beating this comic even though it's out and lying prone on the ground. Keep up the good work.
FoldedSoup said…
Y'know? I really love the so-bad-it's good wackiness that you see in so many of the Showcase volumes - S'why I own the Jimmy Olsen, Metamorpho, and Metal Men ones, for example.

This? This is bad. And not Good-Bad. Bad-bad.

Thanks for jumping on this particular grenade for us, Siskoid!
Siskoid said…
Doc: There'll be more forgetfulness. Check in tomorrow.

Soup: Yeah, when we're reading Golden or Silver Age material, we're archaeologists! Look at how they used to think of the form! Check out this origin story for a villain who's passed into folklore! Etc.

When we read 70s and 80s mainstream superhero stuff, we're suddenly cleaning our rooms, picking up trash. "Primitive" or "artisan" turns into "amateurish" and "unforgiveable". That's why I was opposed to wasting a Showcase slot on something a measly 25 years old.