Gamer Profile : Pout

Pout. You've seen his comments 'round here from time to time. He used to be one of my players (still is when he comes down from Ottawa). Known each other for years. And I probably like his characters better than I do him.

Archetype: He's the player you want to have in your group, though maybe you're afraid to.

Explain: Pout is committed 100%. If you have an idea for a game, he's there, he's driving his girlfriend crazy talking about his adventures, and he's the perpetual motion machine that makes sure you play regularly. He's not one to let campaigns die, and still talks about those old stories you had to leave behind when groups dissolved. In fact, he won't easily let you drop a campaign you WANT to drop.

As a role-player, he's just as committed, playing his role to the hilt. His Plastic Man (DCHeroes) is funnier than most iterations of the character in the comics, that's for damn sure. Unfortunately, he likes to play ladies' men and then insists on role-playing romantic interludes. There's nothing I find creepier than Pout putting the moves on me. The trick is to just say "and at the end of the night, she slept with you".

Psych Profile: Here's the thing about role-players. They naturally gravitate towards particular character types. It's usually something that's close to them (easy to fall into once a week), but different (the wish fulfillment principle). Pout wants to be the cool guy with the trenchcoat and the badass attitude, who gets all the girls and all the one-liners. He's James Bond meets Neo meets Howdy Doody.

Best game: GURPS/Mecha. Surfing on the door of an exploding hotel room was sheer action genius.

So to all his characters - Gloves, Tommy Cruisin, Ace, Captain Cortex, Plastic Man and the others - I raise my dice glass. Thanks for the memories.


Anonymous said…
Ahhh...I'm touched. Thank you for all the nice comments Siskoid.

Now roll your damn Seduction check and lets get this over with!
Siskoid said…
Ahh Critical Failure. No sex for you!
Anonymous said…
(8) Talking 'bout my character generation! (8)