309. The Circle
FORMULA: Preemptive Strike + Redemption + Emissary
WHY WE LIKE IT: Goodbyes to Kira. Winn's back.
WHY WE DON'T: The Bareil-Kira love affair.
REVIEW: We start with a decommissioned Kira packing in her quarters and as the entire cast shows up to say their farewells, it's at once one of the best-paced comedy scenes in all of Trek, and quite a touching moment ("these are... these are my friends"). Kira's come a long way. Her part in this journey, taking her to Bareil's monastery, does wonders for her. It produces a more centered Kira, and gives her a chance to intrude upon Vedek Winn's machinations. I'm less interested in her budding romance with cold fish Bareil, no matter how many creepy orb visions you throw at me. I'm ok with the Bajoran clergy being hedonists, but it just seems like a bad match. He's too dull for her.
Meanwhile, Sisko still has to maneuver politically between the Federation, Bajor and Cardassia as news of the latter's involvement, the Prime Directive and a civil war complicate things. As ever, he's willing to bend the rules and use bureaucracy to his advantage (the slow evacuation plan), and knows when and how to make a friend (Krinn). That General Krinn is an interesting character right off the bat, and I especially appreciate his use of Opaka's accent. Speaking of Bajorans, Jaro continues to be interesting as he is wedded (metaphorically) to Winn. Louise Fletcher returns and there was much rejoicing. Li Nalas as first officer is lame, but I guess he's meant to be.
Other characters get a little less to do, but Odo deputizing Quark is worth a chuckle. Bashir doesn't do so well in the rescue of Major Kira however, taking the time to undo her bonds before beaming her out. That wasn't the best time to pretend you're an idiot, Julian.
Deftly directed with interesting reveals of Winn (twice!), Kira's departure played as if it were for real, and the lift's eye view, the production values continue to be high. This episode features a beautiful and never reused war room set, beautiful gardens, and a great matte painting (see pic). We'll forgive it the old Planet Hell set for the Circle's hq.
LESSON: The best way to be mean is to be nice.
REWATCHABILITY - High: You've got Bajorans manipulating Bajorans, and Cardassian manipulating those first Bajorans... It's great stuff, and it looks good. I'll be there for part 3!
FORMULA: Preemptive Strike + Redemption + Emissary
WHY WE LIKE IT: Goodbyes to Kira. Winn's back.
WHY WE DON'T: The Bareil-Kira love affair.
REVIEW: We start with a decommissioned Kira packing in her quarters and as the entire cast shows up to say their farewells, it's at once one of the best-paced comedy scenes in all of Trek, and quite a touching moment ("these are... these are my friends"). Kira's come a long way. Her part in this journey, taking her to Bareil's monastery, does wonders for her. It produces a more centered Kira, and gives her a chance to intrude upon Vedek Winn's machinations. I'm less interested in her budding romance with cold fish Bareil, no matter how many creepy orb visions you throw at me. I'm ok with the Bajoran clergy being hedonists, but it just seems like a bad match. He's too dull for her.
Meanwhile, Sisko still has to maneuver politically between the Federation, Bajor and Cardassia as news of the latter's involvement, the Prime Directive and a civil war complicate things. As ever, he's willing to bend the rules and use bureaucracy to his advantage (the slow evacuation plan), and knows when and how to make a friend (Krinn). That General Krinn is an interesting character right off the bat, and I especially appreciate his use of Opaka's accent. Speaking of Bajorans, Jaro continues to be interesting as he is wedded (metaphorically) to Winn. Louise Fletcher returns and there was much rejoicing. Li Nalas as first officer is lame, but I guess he's meant to be.
Other characters get a little less to do, but Odo deputizing Quark is worth a chuckle. Bashir doesn't do so well in the rescue of Major Kira however, taking the time to undo her bonds before beaming her out. That wasn't the best time to pretend you're an idiot, Julian.
Deftly directed with interesting reveals of Winn (twice!), Kira's departure played as if it were for real, and the lift's eye view, the production values continue to be high. This episode features a beautiful and never reused war room set, beautiful gardens, and a great matte painting (see pic). We'll forgive it the old Planet Hell set for the Circle's hq.
LESSON: The best way to be mean is to be nice.
REWATCHABILITY - High: You've got Bajorans manipulating Bajorans, and Cardassian manipulating those first Bajorans... It's great stuff, and it looks good. I'll be there for part 3!