Valor of Two Worlds

Whether you were an "S" or not, if you're in the El family, you're fair game in Siskoid's Crisis.Nooooooooooooooo. That wasn't Mon-El, that was Lar Gand! The Post-Crisis Valor!

Well, in a crossover like this, even with 52 Monitors on the job, mistakes are bound to happen. I mean really. It's Legion history. Who can keep it straight? Even within a single timeline, you might have to contend with two of them. Like in the back here? Grieving? That's the SW6 Legion, younger clones of the 2996 Adult Legion. Oh wait, maybe the adults are the clones. See what I mean?

Crisis wipe slate clean... NOW!!!


Matthew Turnage said…
Valor: the title so hampered by convoluted post-Crisis pre-Zero Hour Legion history, not even Mark Waid and Kurt Busiek could save it.
Siskoid said…
Although vredit where credit is due about this version: The whole Seeder of Worlds idea was a very good one.