Aquaman Hardcore: Leadership Secrets of the King of Atlantis

When other heroes get fed up with the Justice League, they quit. Maybe even start a team of second-stringers.When Aquaman gets fed up with the Justice League, HE F*#&ING DISBANDS IT!

Get the whole story.

If you would like to see more Aquaman Hardcore, write to: Siskoid's Blog of Geekery, P.O. Box 2000, Blogtown, Argentina.


rob! said…
so close, and yet so very, very far...
Siskoid said…
Funny thing is, Aquamand did BOTH.
Anonymous said…
But it wasn't a huge step down. An archer, two people who can only fly, a rubber band, a "sonic scream" (aren't they all?), air powers with super-whining, whiny Firestorm (must be an elemental thing), and Zatanna the Living Plot Device. Aquaman is really the only guy on the dias who isn't totally laughable in a save-the-world context.

The Detroit team wasn't the problem (except Gypsy), it was the sad Avengers-lite problems they dealt with. The monster in the closet (Junior)? Funding from a reactionary nut who's also related to one of the members? Our headquarters hates us? The JLA should have better things to do with its time.
rob! said…
i've always thought if the team had tipped more classic members vs new guys, it wouldve been given more time to try and work.

a team with Aquaman, Manhunter, EM, Zatanna, Tornado, GA, Canary, the Hawks, Vixen, Steel, and maybe Vibe or Gypsy(but not both!) woulda worked better, i think.
Siskoid said…
The Detroit team wasn't the problem (except Gypsy), it was the sad Avengers-lite problems they dealt with.

Pretty much standard at the time. If you look at other team books (Outsiders, LSH, Infinity Inc., even New Titans), there was a plethora of lame villains and angst-ridden soap opera. All in a day's work when you're trying to emulate the X-Men.