Some worlds will live, some will change, but some will most definitely die. And if the Monitors are too slow about it, Siskoid's gonna step in. He's especially sensitive to Earths of Bad Taste and those are all going. Imagine a multiverse without the Mary-Jane-Doing-the-Wash statue, without Hentai Heroes for Hire, without Bloody Mary Marvel or Kitchen Floor murders.
Here then, just before going in a ball of flame, the offending Earths doing the Death of Supergirl cover. First up, Earth-Z.Oh Earth-Z, how tedious you've become. It's not so much that all the superheroes are zombies that offends me - that's Earth-Z's whole premise - it's the apple. If it's not too late, avert your eyes. YER GONE!*
And another way NOT to do that cover, from Earth-9-11:
What offends me here is not that it's "too soon" (though I don't do jokes about the Alamo for the same reason), but that it's a reference to a comic book cover in the context of 9/11. Really they're saying "Hey geeks, remember how you felt when you saw Supergirl die? Well this is exactly like that?" YER GONE!!**
*Unfortunately, these events may happen in some unknown future when Marvel has finally driven its Zombies fad well into the pavement.
**Probably taking with it a most snarling iteration of G.I. Joe.
Here then, just before going in a ball of flame, the offending Earths doing the Death of Supergirl cover. First up, Earth-Z.Oh Earth-Z, how tedious you've become. It's not so much that all the superheroes are zombies that offends me - that's Earth-Z's whole premise - it's the apple. If it's not too late, avert your eyes. YER GONE!*
And another way NOT to do that cover, from Earth-9-11:
What offends me here is not that it's "too soon" (though I don't do jokes about the Alamo for the same reason), but that it's a reference to a comic book cover in the context of 9/11. Really they're saying "Hey geeks, remember how you felt when you saw Supergirl die? Well this is exactly like that?" YER GONE!!**
*Unfortunately, these events may happen in some unknown future when Marvel has finally driven its Zombies fad well into the pavement.
**Probably taking with it a most snarling iteration of G.I. Joe.
the 9/11 one is just too dumb and tone-deaf for words.