Batman and the Outsiders #4: Pages 22-23

Countdown Presents: Batman and the Outsiders: Meltdown - A Night on the Town Special: The Final Chapter...Brewster had a secret safe full of files he withheld from the prison's medical staff and confessed his plan to respected hero Batman. What more does a comic book justice system need anyway? That's what I love about the Outsiders, they ALMOST put the bad guys in jail.
Unless they really want to go back in, then it seals the deal.
What a polite supervillain, eh? Hey sorry about sterilizing everyone in your team. It's probably for the best. You've seen Haney's Saga of the Super-Sons. You don't really want THAT to happen do you?
A word on Metamorpho: Dude can change into anything, pretty much, and his preferred flight form is... A KITE?? Sure, it's less creepy than the flying head, but when you could essentially get trounced by a Peanuts character (and not even the Red Baron!), it's a blow to you credibility, y'know?
Meanwhile, Halo and Katana have been given a time-out to resolve their differences. Oh good, because this angsty storyline has been going on for pages! So... you think Katana often wears her super-pants with a casual blouse around the house, or is it laundry day?
Wait... is what I think is about to happen actually about to happen?!
Ah. No. Sorry, false alarm.

What's next for the Outsiders now that all dangling plot lines have been resolved?
"No, really!" Like that's so far fetched? Batman's boy companion is in the team, so it was bound to happen some day, right? You know what's sad though. For most DC series, its customary to have Batman guest-star within the first year as a "stamp of approval" because, you know, Batman sells books. I imagine lots of fanboys with single (Batman) issues of Aztek, Chase and Hitman. But Batman is already in every single issue of the Outsiders! And he still can't move the book.

Or perhaps he can, but the rest of the team cancels out his star power..? A question for the ages.


The Mutt said…
Some girl on girl action is the only thing that could have saved this comic.
Matthew Turnage said…
My memory may be playing tricks on me, but I believe the "No, really!" in the next issue blurb refers to the New Teen Titans crossover originally being slated for #4, but was pushed back an issue because NTT was running late. I think they slapped together #4 pretty quick to avoid skipping a month of BATO.

I would say that explains why #4 is such a weak issue, but then how do you account for the first three?
Siskoid said…
Makes sense.

Though in many ways, I thought #4 was STRONGER than the Outsiders' introduction in their first 2 issues and the B&B insert, if largely inconsequential.