415. Favor the Bold
FORMULA: The result of the last 5 episodes + Heart of Stone + Homefront + a can of whupass (unopened)
WHY WE LIKE IT: Kira vs. Damar.
WHY WE DON'T: Creepy alien sex. Leeta.
REVIEW: As things come to a head, Sisko uses his new position to advance his own agenda, if only he can convince the Federation and the Klingons to retake DS9. But these folks could learn something from playing kotra with Garak. They are so afraid of losing their governmental seats that they won't easily put in the resources. Help comes from an unusual direction - Morn with a secret message. It's nice to see him used as someone Sisko knows and trusts. He's not just a background feature. So the attack will proceed as Sisko plans, and it's not just about getting the station back for him, he's also fighting for his future on Bajor, on which he plans to build a house. He is "of Bajor", which adds just the right extra bit of power behind the heroes' objective. Oh yeah, and Nog gets a field commission, which means he's either been very good or the war's gone very badly.
Once again, it's the happenings on the station that warrant more attention. Rom is to be executed (cue Leeta's overblown whimpering, but also Quark's greed-fueled loyalty) and Kira's relationship with Odo has deteriorated on account of it. That would be bad enough without him having creepy "humanoid" sex with the Founder Leader. It's on a level that remains unmatched until Dukat beds Kai Winn. The Founder, still acting like an opium fiend/pusher, goes too far eventually, and though Odo breaks finally the spell, Kira's not too willing to forgive him.
The other villains remain eminently watchable, even Weyoun's little scenes about his lack of aesthetics. Dukat's hubris is sure to be his downfall as his priorities get more and more ludicrous. Sending Damar to make things right with Ziyal just so he can have his daughter at his side in his moment of victory is the main example. Kira and Damar have been heading for a collision for a few episodes now, and she memorably sends him to the infirmary when he accosts Ziyal.
With the mine field coming down, Rom about to be killed, and Damar about to revenge himself on Kira and her resistance cell, a massive Federation fleet has gathered just in time for the "To be continued" card. Finally, what we've been waiting for!
LESSON: Family and business don't mix.
REWATCHABILITY - High: Mostly one big set-up for the arc finale, but it still has some great confrontations and the acting is unimpeachable (except for Chase Masterson's).
FORMULA: The result of the last 5 episodes + Heart of Stone + Homefront + a can of whupass (unopened)
WHY WE LIKE IT: Kira vs. Damar.
WHY WE DON'T: Creepy alien sex. Leeta.
REVIEW: As things come to a head, Sisko uses his new position to advance his own agenda, if only he can convince the Federation and the Klingons to retake DS9. But these folks could learn something from playing kotra with Garak. They are so afraid of losing their governmental seats that they won't easily put in the resources. Help comes from an unusual direction - Morn with a secret message. It's nice to see him used as someone Sisko knows and trusts. He's not just a background feature. So the attack will proceed as Sisko plans, and it's not just about getting the station back for him, he's also fighting for his future on Bajor, on which he plans to build a house. He is "of Bajor", which adds just the right extra bit of power behind the heroes' objective. Oh yeah, and Nog gets a field commission, which means he's either been very good or the war's gone very badly.
Once again, it's the happenings on the station that warrant more attention. Rom is to be executed (cue Leeta's overblown whimpering, but also Quark's greed-fueled loyalty) and Kira's relationship with Odo has deteriorated on account of it. That would be bad enough without him having creepy "humanoid" sex with the Founder Leader. It's on a level that remains unmatched until Dukat beds Kai Winn. The Founder, still acting like an opium fiend/pusher, goes too far eventually, and though Odo breaks finally the spell, Kira's not too willing to forgive him.
The other villains remain eminently watchable, even Weyoun's little scenes about his lack of aesthetics. Dukat's hubris is sure to be his downfall as his priorities get more and more ludicrous. Sending Damar to make things right with Ziyal just so he can have his daughter at his side in his moment of victory is the main example. Kira and Damar have been heading for a collision for a few episodes now, and she memorably sends him to the infirmary when he accosts Ziyal.
With the mine field coming down, Rom about to be killed, and Damar about to revenge himself on Kira and her resistance cell, a massive Federation fleet has gathered just in time for the "To be continued" card. Finally, what we've been waiting for!
LESSON: Family and business don't mix.
REWATCHABILITY - High: Mostly one big set-up for the arc finale, but it still has some great confrontations and the acting is unimpeachable (except for Chase Masterson's).