There's No Money in Fighting Solomon Grundy

So here's what's always bugged me about the Crash Test Dummies' Superman Song. You might want to refresh your memory by watching the video guest-starring the JLA just out of their retirement home for the funeral:

So... Solomon Grundy? A big swamp zombie is threatening the entire world? Since when has Solomon Grundy been a Superman legacy villain? Despite membership in the Legion of Doom (which I'm guessing may be where the Crash Test Dummies got his name), he never fought much of anyone except the original Green Lantern until the Justice League animated series, where he FINALLY fought Superman.
He's as out of place as Tarzan, as far as I'm concerned. Still, nice song.

If what bugged you is Superman hyphenated as "Super-man" in the newspaper headline at the end, you are a nerd.


Anonymous said…
Actually, Solomon Grundy *was* a recurring Superman villain for a good while in the '70s.
Siskoid said…
Superman #301 is the only Superman comic I can tie Solomon Grundy to, though the bibliography I'm working from may be incomplete.

Either way, when the song came out in the late 80s, it seemed very strange to me, and according to the Crash Test Dummies' FAQ, was only used because the lead singer couldn't think of another villain that rhymed with "money".
Siskoid said…
See? The FAQ has Grundy also appearing in 319 and 320. Which still isn't a heck of a lot to get mentioned as the refrain villain.
Isaac said…
What I think ought to be bugging you is that Solomon Grundy was never the sort of villain who threatened the whole world. I mean, he might smash a few tall buildings or whatever, but Grundy's no power-mad conquering tyrant.
Siskoid said…
Maybe they count all those times when he was running around with the Legion of Doom.

I dunno.