5 Things to Like About Suicide Squad #6

That Suicide Squad is back is one thing. That it's penned by John Ostrander, the same man who made the original series the best thing to come out of the 80s(TM) is quite another. Up to now, the mini-series has had its ups and downs, but issue 6 gets us back from a down and sets up what looks to be a great finale. Choosing 5 things wasn't easy and there's plenty of runner-ups, from Deadshot (always the best thing about any given issue of SS) to Multiplex getting shot in the head (don't worry, plenty of him to go around still).

1. Villains I don't want to see killedIn the Squad, when a lame Firestorm villain (well, usually it's a Firestorm villain) gets chosen for a mission, they die or are maimed horribly. You can usually spot the loser who's going to buy the farm from the opening briefing. But there's always the off chance that a more important character gets it, and from there you derive tension. So I wouldn't be surprised if White Dragon, Marauder and Twister get killed, but I'm actually worried about Plastique. Hey, us French Canadians have to stick together (even if she is a Quebec Sovereignist). At the very least, I want to see her survive so that a writer some day can put an actual Quebec accent in her mouth. "Toute ça pour moé?"

2. Carapax
Perfectly used to seeing Suicide Squad bring back loser villains from loser series (for more White Dragon, check out Hawkworld!), but Ostrander has brought Carapax back as the corporate equivalent of the USSR's Rocket Reds. It gives an old Blue Beetle villain a new lease on life. Now what about Firefist, the Muse, Overthrow and... oh Beetle, your rogue's gallery didn't amount to much, did it?

3. Justifying evil
How do a pair of religious super-villainesses justify their actions? Remember kids: Villains don't think of themselves as villains. Oh wait, that may not be a point I can defend...

4. Amanda Waller as Chemo jumping off an battleship
Only in the DC Universe. FWORMP!

5. An honest-to-God, true-blue, heart-stopping cliffhanger
I'm going to leave this one pictureless and spoiler-free, but I haven't wanted to flip to the next (still inexistant) page this much in a while.


De said…
I'm not sure what to think about The Wall as Chemo (haven't read the mini yet). The best aspect about Amanda Waller was that she could go toe to toe with the worst of them without any superpowers.
Siskoid said…
And still does. The Chemo thing is just to destroy enemy tanks, etc.
SallyP said…
Gosh, Amanda is so despicable...and yet so endearing. And that was a HECK of a cliffhanger.
Ya know, I always wondered if there was a Quebecois accent in French like there's a Mexican accent in Spanish (and don't even get me started on Argentinos! They are damn near incomprehensible). And now I know! Who says you don't learn anything on teh interwebs?
Siskoid said…
Though I made Plastique speak in a way that she could come from any region in Quebec, really, there are at least half a dozen distinct French accents in that province.

Another 8 for New Brunswick's Acadians, 3 in Nova Scotia, at least one in each of the other provinces.

It may seem like all the same, but there's Quebeckers often have difficulty understanding what us Newbies are talking about (depending on the particular accent and dialect) and nobody, but nobody understands the Nova Scotian Acadians unless they have a very well trained ear.
hey i didn't know you liked the Suicide Squad also Siskoid! i have this series you review here along with most of the other SS tie-ins not too mention the entire 1 - 65 original series. i'm contemplating starting a SS blog but i'm not too sure if the interest is really out here for it. there is a poll for that very idea right now on: http://itsadansworld.blogspot.com/
look in the right hand column not too far from the top of the page and caste a vote.
Siskoid said…
I'm a fan of good comics. Suicide Squad was one of the best.
Siskoid, looks like i'm going to find myself with some free time for the nest few days and i'm thinking about starting up a Suicide Squad blog which would kick off with a posting comparing Pam Grier vs. C.C.H Pounder as Amanda Waller. i'm highly skeptical how much of an audience there is out there for this blog but i think i might go for it anyways cause i'm just crazy like that. once it's up and running and if it looks pretty cool would you be willing to have a posting on it here to let the masses know about it?
Siskoid said…
Sure, I'll add it to the blog roll and everything.
cool! dan from http://itsadansworld.blogspot.com/
said he would do a posting for it too. you both have well established and long running blogs with lots of viewers. barring any any unexpected problems i should have something up and running tomorrow sometime i'll keep you posted. again, thank you i just don't think i'll be able to stop thinking about this SS blog concept until i just do it rather it catches on or takes a nose dive. i'll contact you again tomorrow at this comment section.
well you got your wish about Plastique and then some. she handled herself really well in the final two issues. especially that way she took out that racist scum white dragon. by the way did you ever see that early Firestorm issue where he "disarms" her by turning her costume into air? maybe i'll do a posting of her someday on the new blog: http://suicidesquadtaskforcex.blogspot.com/
Siskoid said…
Yes, I've got those early Fury of Firestorm issues. What a perfectly Ronnie thing to do.

She's internalized the power since then, of course.
sorry Siskoid about that i saw your reply to my comment on a newer posting in regards to the confusion i caused. i wasn't aware you had your email available i've always been under the impression you prefer to keep a certain level of privacy. i could be overlooking it but i have no idea where your email is to be found. mine can be found on the right side bar of either of my blogs. i'll stick to this posting if i ever make any more Squad comments on your blog from now on.