Cyberwoman vs. pterodactyl

No matter who wins......we lose!

Except Bahlactus. Bahlactus always wins. Such is the order of things.


snell said…
You know, if there was a moment that sold me on Torchwood forever, it was Cyber-woman vs. pterodactyl.
That's one fight that we all win!!
billjac said…
I had the opposite reaction. Torchwood took what should have been a sublime moment (finally the dinosaurs take their revenge on the cyber-race!) and turned it into something cheap and sleazy. It just made me sad.
Siskoid said…
I agree with you, actually.

I thought Cyberwoman was the poorest episode of the series IN SPITE of the fight pictured. It was just too dark to be that cheeky. Metal bikinis and old scientists groping breasts and extreme gore...

The core of the story, Ianto's dilemma, is a worthy one, but the execution had serious tone problems for me.