Ambush Bug: The Real Countdown

I've been very much ignoring Countdown (to Final Crisis), even though I intend to read Final Crisis. But to me, the real countdown is to July 2008 for the return of Ambush Bug. START THE CLOCK!

Your Ambush Bug Moment of the Week: The Golden Age Ambush Bug's first appearance!Not a hoax, not an imaginary story, not an alternate universe in which Spock has a beard!*

*Well, maybe a hoax.


Anonymous said…
Nazi tigers from Mars?!?!?!


Ambush Bug coming back, eh? This may bring me back to a comic book shop after my >12-year hiatus...
rob! said…
i'd love to see Evan Dorkin try his hand at an Ambush Bug story!

or Eric Powell, or Ennis/Dillon, or Kyle Baker...