Spaceknight Saturdays Encyclopedia Bonus

Encyclopedia Week is winding down, but I couldn't let Spaceknight Saturday pass without a non-spoiler look at Rom's Marvel Universe entries. Sadly, he didn't make it into Marvel Universe Deluxe #11's cover, and his Ditko-drawn picture is heavy on the Rom, and low on the Spaceknight.Hinting at a happy ending for our man in silver? I'm not reading the entry to find out.

I don't have all the issues of the original MU series, so I don't know what Rom's pic looked there, but he did make it into the really groovy Book of Weapons!
Rom's Neutralizer, Translator and Analyzer get no diagrams, but his armor does. Check it out!
Wow, dude's working on "brain remnants". I'm also enjoying the idea that his skin is actually a stasis field for his innards and may explain how the armor can be bonded to a person without anyone having to perform complicated surgery. Best issue of Marvel Universe EVER.
