This Week in Geek (28/07-03/08/08)

Wedding Geekery

As promised, a few words on how geeky Pout and Elyse's wedding was. Turns out, not all that much, but the Best Man situation must be looked at. Pout doesn't have a brother who might've naturally served as Best Man, so he picked Bebert, who PLAYED his brother in a role-playing game I used to run. Let me roll on the Marriage Success Table... Aw, it's gonna work out after all. And this didn't happen either: "Accomplishments"

DVDs: If If it it took me a long time to flip The Unit Season 2, it's because it had one HELL of a cliffhanger, so I immediately went to my taped Season 3 episodes and watch all of THOSE before going back to the many commentary tracks and some good sized making of documentaries. I'm surprised how much I like this series, but Season 3 really rocked hard. Too bad it was aborted by the writers' strike. As for the commentary tracks on Season 2, all I have to say is that both Lynn Mamet and Max Martini are bonkers.


Also flipped Network, Sidney Lumet's excellent satire of the television generation. Scriptwriter Paddy Chayefsky was veritably prescient, because most of the film's absurdities have actually happened since. The DVD includes an eloquent commentary track and an episode of Private Screenings with Lumet, and a full documentary feature that even has comments by Walter Cronkite. My favorite bit, however, is a Chayefsky interview on the Dinah Shore show. This is especially incredibly because Dinah is possibly the worst interviewer I've ever laid eyes on this side of Julie Chen, but Chayefsky's incredible wit saves the day.

RPGs: Trying for the set-up of a 2-part story, I might've gone too far into the investigation side of things. In a high octane campaign, this might've left players a little frustrated and eager for some action. There was some, but it seemed to go too slowly. Thankfully, all the setting up's done and action lies ahead.

New Unauthorized Doctor Who CCG cards: 28, most from Timelash. Certainly took long enough. And a few others from the Torchwood episode End of Days.

GTA4 completion: 83.25%. Addiction Level: One Foot in the Hole.

Someone Else's Post of the Week
Caleb took the air out of a silly review of The Dark Knight published in the politically motivated Wall Street Journal this week that is great fun to read. Unless you really think Batman = George Bush.


rob! said…
one of the themes i thought i saw in TDK was that every decision Batman made turned out bad.

so, yeah, he's a lot like George Bush.