The Web - the Opposite of the Fly

If the Fly was my favorite, then the Web was my least favorite. If they didn't go out of their way to make the Web tie all the titles together, I probably wouldn't have bought the 6 issues I did.

Background: In the 40s, John Raymond became the Web, a criminologist who used brains and fists to ensnare criminals in their own schemes. Unlike a lot of superheroes, he quickly married his comic book girlfriend and retired. He came out of retirement in the 60s, to the great displeasure of his wife, who would nonetheless eventually train with Fly-Man and become Pow Girl (you own that one, DC?). In the 80s revival, the son of the Web took up the mantle.

Revamp Method: Individual turned into team, with a side order of revisionism.

Why Keep the Impact Web?
1. The revisionist premise
According to revised Archie history, the Web has been active since the 60s, but everyone's always thought he was a single superhero. In fact, he was a team of heroes all operating under the same identity to create a legend as great as that of the Mighty Crusaders. (There's another reason they're called the Web - they use a sort of energy transmission system to power their armor - but it's not as interesting as the basic idea.)

2. The logo
I really dig that Web logo with the long shadow. Reminds me of an old secret agent tv show or something.

Why NOT Keep the Impact Web?
1. That godawful armor
There have been some interesting Web designs over the years, but the armor isn't out of them. A plain yellow wash over everything, and accessories pulled from the Village People's hope chest (there's a Web agent with a cowboy hat and chaps, for Pete's sake!). And not to be unkind, but Tom Artis' artwork was just too rough and cartoony to really sell "techno".

2. The kids
If there weren't too many characters in the book already (reducing many of them to broadly defined personalities or fetishes - sort of like G.I.Joe), there was also this subplot with kids stumbling upon an old Web armor, taking it apart, using it competently(!) and being taken under the Web's wing(!!). I guess they were trying to give younger readers characters to identify with.

3. They went and changed that logo I like
It's just not the same, is it?

Tomorrow: Rom Spaceknight! You can't stop Spaceknight Saturdays. Monday: The Black Hood!


Diabolu Frank said…
Seeing as I'm the first to comment, and it's my first time here, I think that about says it all. The Web had one of the worst costumes of all time, no one remembers his backstory, and the !mpact series was misconceived from go.
Siskoid said…
Truly, no one cares.