Because I Have Simply Gone Insane...

You're inappropriate in my jacuzzi!Take a fatal acid bath in my jacuzzi!
There's a naked Martha clone in my jacuzzi!
The Sims are making sense in my jacuzzi!
Liefeld is drawing bad in my jacuzzi!
The king of the jungle's in my jacuzzi!
Tauren and Elven babes in my jacuzzi!
And Aquaman? He IS my jacuzzi!
In brightest day, in darkest night,
No evil shall escape my jacuzzi!


Anonymous said…
It takes a whole universe to fit YOUR jaccuzi.
Anonymous said…
Tu devrais envoyer le link de ton post aux boys de Radio Radio (si c'est pas déjà fait). J'suis certain qu'ils tripperaient.
Sea-of-Green said…
Your jacuzzi is a hell of a lot more exciting than MY jacuzzi!
SallyP said…
I remember being SO delighted that Booth was a Green Lantern Fan.
Anonymous said…
You are not insane, just infected by an earworm.

And its contageous. Just like the legionella dans ma Jacuzzi...
FoldedSoup said…
Now I want a jaccuzi.
rob! said…
what. the. hell.
viagra online said…
can you imagine how terrible will be to have Lex Lutor in your jacuzzi, I'll definetely not envy you.
LiamKav said…
That's the friendliest bit of spam I've ever seen.
Siskoid said…
Just goes to show, spammers are people too.