Nightmare Fuel: A Classic

Look, I know this has been posted elsewhere before. And the words "Nightmare Fuel" were even used. But it's Murder Week, and it's all I had in the Fuel File.Besides IS THERE anything more nightmarish than eating what you just digested ad infinitum, ad nauseum?

No, no there is not.

Some people just don't want me to buy their products.*

*I'm looking at you, everyone who advertises on tv!


Sea-of-Green said…
I'm glad I'm not the only one who found these ads ... disturbing. They certainly didn't make me want to go out and buy the product.
I thought these ads were quite disturbing, as well. I even remember a couple of sleepless nights because of them,lol.
Matthew Turnage said…
Those ads didn't particularly bother me, they just seemed weird. My wife found them disturbing, though.
rob! said…
I also hated those ads for Bugles, a tiny little crispy snack thing, where you saw a big hairy arm jutting in from the left, using the Bugles as fake finger nails. BLEAH!

They appeared, among other places, in the middle of those Paul Pope-drawn pull-out fashion sections that ran in DC's a few years ago.

Everytime I come across the ad in an old book, I get that same queasy feeling. It made me NEVER want to try a "Bugle."