PUBLICATION: Star Trek: Dinosaur Planet, Peter Pan Records, 1979
CREATORS: Unknown (writer), Unknown (artist)
STARDATE: Unknown (2260s despite the uniforms)
PLOT: The Enterprise discovers a primeval planet that, according to sensors, has sentient life on it. Fearing that humans have been stranded on the volcanic world, Kirk beams down with a landing party and finds a planet of dinosaurs. Fighting off pterodactyls, they come across sentient, telepathic tyrannosaurs who accept they've come in peace. One security officer, Wadsworth, goes a little crazy with fear and greed for the cavern's mineral riches and the crew has to ride the dinos to safety as it collapses.
DIVERGENCES: Sulu is only an ensign. As Chekov is too (though "helmsman" rather than "navigator"), this must be the 2260s and the Motion Picture-era uniforms are in error. At least Sulu and presumably Uhura are once again their own selves.
PANEL OF THE DAY - I wasn't kidding.

(I goofed, plain and simple.)