Star Trek 811: We are Dying, Egypt, Dying!

811. We are Dying, Egypt, Dying!

PUBLICATION: Star Trek #14, Marvel Comics, June 1981

CREATORS: Martin Pasko (writer), Luke McDonnell and Gene Day (artists)

STARDATE: 8305.3 (follows the last issue)

PLOT: Exploring a planet that looks just like ancient Egypt before it is hit by deadly meteors, the crew has to contend with robot sphinxes, awakening mummies and shrink-ray enabled pyramids. A computer god turns Kirk into a mad pharaoh who takes the landing party hostage, but they eventually escape and Spock destroys the computer to release his old friend (oh, and saves the ship while he's at it). In the end, though the Enterprise destroys the meteoroid shower, they also relocate the population to a radiation-free world and Kirk instructs them on how to govern themselves.



PANEL OF THE DAY - The line-up to "mate with females from other worlds".
REVIEW: Remember the episode where Kirk becomes an American Indian? Well, this is almost exactly like that, except with Egyptians. It's an unremarkable yarn, drawn rather dully by a young Luke McDonnell not quite up to his Suicide Squad work's level. You'd think an pharaonic Kirk would be a lot of fun, but I just can't get excited about it, no matter how many females he's promised. He doesn't even get to personally destroy the computer. Sigh.
