Geek Cat of the Week #2: Power Girl's Cat

Name: None of your business
Stomping Grounds: Justice League Europe, and now Power Girl (comics)
Side: Good (it's true!)
Breed: American Shorthair
Cat Powers: Power Girl's cat can hold its own against even the most professional of superheroes, supervillains or super-pets. And if not, it IS the owner of Power Girl.
Skills: Eat 5, Sleep 6, Mischief 9, Wit 0, Make a grown man cry 10
Cat Weaknesses: Ugly as sin. A serious hairball problem. Once implanted with a camera to spy on the Justice League (resulting in way too many litter box shots).
Recent sighting!
Aww, it's still around... and grouchier than ever!


Anonymous said…
This cat must join the Sinestro Corps: it mauled Guy Gardner!
Siskoid said…
And the Red Lanterns already have a kitty.

Watch this feature for him one of these days.
De said…
Did we ever find out where the cat came from? I may be remembering wrongly, but didn't it just show up one day?
Sea-of-Green said…
Awww ... and this kitty is also one of the main subjects of one of the endearing super-hero panels of all time -- Power Girl, having found her lost kitty, flying through the air, hugging her grouchy cat, and happily squealing "My kitty! My kitty! My kitty!"

It's nice to see super-heroes ecstatically happy SOMEtimes. :-)
FoldedSoup said…
Word Verification for this post: "Catini"No foolin'!

...which would make a pretty good name for the li'l bastard.
Siskoid said…
I had a friend who had a cat called Utini. Sounds a little like that.
Anonymous said…
De: that cat first appeared in New York, eating from the JLA garbage. He somehow came into the JLA embassy and savagely attacked Guy (being yellow, he was inmune to the ring).

After transforming Guy's face in rags, the angry Lantern kicked it into the teleportation tube, and send the monster to Paris, where Power Girl adopted it.

I still remember the dialogue:

Fire: Guy! Leave this cat!

Guy: It's a killer! Look what he did to my face!

Fire: Nothing any woman has dreamed to to!
Servo said…
I'm mildly surprised there hasn't been a pun reference involving Power Girl and her "pussycat" already.

Or do only breast jokes apply to Power Girl?
Jack Norris said…
If I recall correctly, there were quite a few signs that this was at least partially a bit of a nod to the then-popular Bill the Cat from Bloom County.