Nonsense of the Week Revisited

Well, well, well. I guess I wasn't the only one to complain about the nonsense temporal physics of Amazing Spider-Man #591, because the mag actually printed errata this week. THE SBG IS VINDICATED!!! So this:Becomes this:
And this:
Becomes this:
Now instead of not making sense, it's just completely absurd and contrived!

And still doesn't explain how Mephisto's Jedi Mind Trick works...


As usual, Reed Richards makes perfect sense.

Just to him, but he does make perfect sense.
Siskoid said…
Something he shares with Doctor Who.
chiasaur11 said…
Or The Doctor, if you're an obsessive irritating minor detail (contradicted by the credits, even) git.

Also, I saw Star Trek today. It ruled. Best What if ever.
Siskoid said…
I'm totally going from The War Machines. It is the only canon.
LiamKav said…
David Tennant would appear to be one of those obsessive irritating minor detail gits, since he made them change the credits (back) to saying "The Doctor".

I've also found out that some fansites complained about this, since it made the show more like the "bad old 80s". Fans are constantly amusing.