Cat of the Geek #12: Bast

Name: Bast (also spelled Ubasti, Baset and later, Bastet)
Stomping Grounds: Egyptian mythology; AD&D's Deities & Demigods AKA Legend & Lore
Side: of cats
Breed: Abyssinian (divine)
Cat Powers: Grant ambassadorial powers to all cats on Earth.
Skills: Eat 6, Sleep 3, Mischief 5, Wit 10, Divine Retribution 8
Cat Weaknesses: Chased by furry enthusiasts.
AD&D Stats:


Sea-of-Green said…
Hey, Siskoid, when are you gonna profile FELIX? Sparky doesn't count!
Siskoid said…
He'll be there. Didn't want to spend all the big guns in the first few weeks.
Doctor Mi said…
Currently watching:


That is, once you've stopped staring at Bast's boobies.
Anonymous said…
Here are some suggestions:

- Nails, Speedball's cat.
- The cat of Tintin.
- The cat which Batman's saved in Year One!

Siskoid said…
Great ideas, I'll make sure they're on the master list!