Cat of the Geek #15: Tom Kitten

Name: Tom Kitten Kennedy
Stomping Grounds: Oval office, Kennedy administration (until its untimely death on August 21st, 1962)
Side: Good
Breed: All-American Shorthair
Cat Powers: First White House cat since Teddy Roosevelt's Slippers. Worked heavily on the Space program. Best obituary ever: "Unlike many humans in the same position, he never wrote his memoirs in his days in the White House and never discussed them for quotation, though he was privy to many official secrets." (Alexandria Gazette)
Skills: Eat 6, Sleep 4, Mischief 7, Wit 2, Keeping Cuban Secrets 10
Cat Weaknesses: The light that burns twice as bright burns for half as long. A name you can't grow up with.

All information from Great Cats The Who's Who of Famous Felines by J.C. Suares (1981), an encyclopedia I forgot I had, but that could help me with Cat of the Geek in the future.
