Spaceknight Saturdays: Worldmerge!

This is it. This is the issue in which Wraithworld arrives to take Earth's place in the solar system. At the same time, welcome garish new coloring process of the 80s that I hate so well. At least it looks like it's part of the Dire Wraiths' disruptions, but it'll stick around long after they're gone. Sigh.

You heard it here first: Those colors are PURE EVIL.

The proof is in the pudding. Look who brought it down on us.

So yeah, first the Wraiths ripped our sun a new asshole, and now their planet is being squeezed out of it.
Obviously, this is going to screw with Earth's gravity and weather, but also the comic's colors. As buildings crumble, guys run out hiding their faces as best they can. It burns!
In orbit, Rom and Forge are still working on the Neoneutralizer, hoping to fire it at Earth in one go, though the mutant mechanic is afraid it could depower every superhero on Earth at the same time. Rom lets him ponder the imponderables, however, when a plane in the upper atmosphere loses control and its occupants make awkward moves on each other.
The plane is saved, of course, but some virginities may not be. Elsewhere, Brandy Clark, Rick Jones and their adopted psychic kid are dealing with rock slides and earthquakes... and is that Starshine's power peeking out?
Rom just misses them and taken with despair is distracted by "a sound filled with promise of hope". Sorry, Forge, our boy's got some resourcing to do.
It's a church bell and from within, he hears the hymns of prayerful folk. He approaches and tells them his story (Forge starts tapping his foot and looking at his watch, on his most amazing space chair), but wouldn't you know it...
...they be Wraiths. Suckered again.

Can Rom get out of the paralysis spell they've put on him before Earth is destroyed? Guest-starring the rest of the Marvel Universe, it's the Final Battle in 7 days!


Anonymous said…
Hey, you made a reference to the "Airplane!" film! It was great.

The Rom's reference to "a sound full of hope" makes me think of DJ Rom, seem in Chris Invencible Superblog:
