Star Trek 978: Rivals Part 2

978. Rivals Part 2

PUBLICATION: Star Trek v.2 #67, DC Comics, January 1995

CREATORS: Howard Weinstein (writer), Thomas Derenick and Arne Starr (artists)

STARDATE: 8674.8 (follows the last issue)

PLOT: As Kirk prepares to apologize to Nara authorities for the faux-pas that led to the nullification of the treaty, Stonn's wife wonders if her stepdaughter T'ariis could be responsible for her husband's deteriorating health, perhaps by poison. Ironically, T'ariss wonders the same of her stepmother. Meanwhile, T'ariis breaks her 'gi friend from prison with faked orders and they head for the spaceport to book passage to the 'gi planet. When Stonn collapses before the Nara official, he's taken to the Enterprise where McCoy finds no poison in him, but an infection that could kill him in a matter of hours...

CONTINUITY: See previous issue.

DIVERGENCES: See previous issue.

PANEL OF THE DAY - McCoy is a harsh Game Master.
REVIEW: The art continues to be substandard despite it sometimes looking like Tom Mandrake's or Luke McDonnell's, but the story is a bit better. The Vulcan family drama isn't very "Vulcan", but the characters do come off as distinct and interesting characters. I'm especially keen on the plump stepmother trying to do right by an adopted daughter that consistently rejects her. I am concerned, however, that using Stonn is little more than a stunt. This could be any Vulcan ambassador.
