This Week in Geek (24-30/08/09)


Since I was getting down to my last New Series Doctor Who novel, I picked up the next four, including the last regular Martha story, The Many Hands, and the first three starring Donna (yay! I hope): The Doctor Trap, Ghosts of India and Shining Darkness. Branching out from Life on Mars, I picked up another John Simm's State of Play series. And because I will not be denied new Dragon Dynasty releases, The 5 Deadly Venoms.


DVDs: A very buy couple of weeks at work, so "accomplishments" are harder to come by, but Kung Fu Fridays remains a staple. We watched the newly arrived and highly influential 5 Deadly Venoms, which really cements director Chang Cheh's reputation as a sadist and provider of accidental homoeroticism. Move of the Week: The cobra-fanged scorpion strike! A good story with subtext and excellent action, though the torture bits may be hard to swallow for some. Atypically, the DVD has no extras aside from the (excellent) commentary track by Hong Kong cinema expert Bey Logan, despite the film's historical importance. Are we to expect future Dragon Dynasty releases to be this bare from now on?

Hyperion to a Satyr entries this week include:
Act I Scene 2 - The Wedding Banquet according to Branagh
Act I Scene 2 - The Wedding Banquet according to Olivier

Someone Else's Post of the Week
Wrongest Blackest Night tie-in, curtosy of Comics All Too Real.
