Cat of the Geek #19: Displacer Beast

Name: Displacer Beast
Stomping Grounds: Dungeons & Dragons (RPG)
Side: Evil (the stats say Neutral, but the information also says they hate all life and will kill purely for pleasure!)
Breed: Displacer Beast
Cat Powers: Tentacles with sharp bones coming out of them (2d4/2d4). Illusory displacement.
Skills: Eat 9, Sleep 3, Mischief 8, Wit 2, Armor Class 4
Cat Weaknesses: True Sight. Their blind hatred of Blink Dogs.
Vintage Stats from AD&D 2nd ed.:


FoldedSoup said…
Man, I loved those things.
Anonymous said…
Probably the displacer b is neutral becouse he kills all living things without distintionsor discriminations.

Siskoid said…
But so do chaotic evil demons etc surely?

My theory is that they put all animal IQ-level creatures into the neutral (no motivation because no cognitive ability for alignment), but overstated the creature's cruelty.
Anonymous said…
You are right.

The old monster compendium was full of good stuff.

Hell, I think I will use some displacer beasts in my next d&d sesion.