Superman's Strangest Team-Ups Extra

I presented a lot of comic book team-ups last week, but he's also shared the screen with some offbeat people...

Comedy superstar Richard Pryor!And don't try to tell me Superman III wasn't a Richard Pryor comedy FIRST and a Superman movie SECOND.

The Brady Kids
In the 1972 episode "Cindy's Super Friend" the Brady Kids and Superman both work on a project to paint a bank during the city's "Paint-Up" week, only to have to thwart some would-be bank robbers. As you can see, other guest stars included the Lone Ranger and Wonder Woman!

Lucy Arnaz!

Lucyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! (Cycle through all three parts for the full adventure!)


Robert said…
Superman teaming up with the Brady Kids beats out Batman teaming up with Scooby Doo, that's for sure.
Anonymous said…
Lucy's friend looks like Britney Spears.