Remembrance Day Cat of the Geek #31: Kitlers

Names: Various. This one is called Leonardo. (But as someone really did call their cat Hitler, you can find him below.)
Stomping Grounds: The Internet -
Side: Evil
Breeds: Various.
Cat Powers: Pep rally animal. May disguise itself as Charlie Catplin.
Skills: Eat 4, Sleep 4, Mischief 8, Wit 5, Evil 'stache 10
Cat Weaknesses: Feline Fascism gone awry. A pet statement you may not want to make.
A cat called Hitler:


Dan said…
I can't imagine ever naming a pet Hitler, but I must admit that is the Hitler-est Kitler I've ever seen.
Siskoid said…
I guess it takes a very dark sense of humor. And no friends that would be offended.
Jeff R. said…
Today is Veteran's Day, Armistice Day, and/or Remembrance Day, but Memorial Day is another day altogether.

rob! said…
There must be a cat named Goebbels out there somewhere.
Siskoid said…
Jeff: Yeah, I know... But it's Canada's version of Memorial Day, so...

Better now?