Things That Made Me Jealous Of Other Kids

Part of a continuing series of "Lest we forget..." moments---Ahhh, who am I kidding? These are very cheap posts, I know. I'm recuperating from something.

And yet, it's true that I would have liked to be a member of the Bionic Action Club. Who wouldn't!!!


googum said…
I don't think I had membership in the Bionic Action Club, but I had Major Austin. And still miss him. Man, I wish some company would deliver a cheap reissue of that figure.
SFF said…
Enjoying your blog. I always liked Sasquatch.

Band Of Brothers is brilliant.

ST books are terrific.

Loads of good bits on your blog.
Jeremy Patrick said…
I can't claim to have been a member of the Bionic Action Club either, but I know I joined a few other comic- and toy-related clubs and they all followed the same pattern. A really good initial "Membership Kit" which had a membership card, maybe a full-colour poster, a newsletter, maybe even some stickers. Then, although they promised quarterly newsletters and other "special offers", etc, subsequent mailings would arrive more and more sporadically, and contain less and less stuff, since the life of most toy lines and their fan clubs is relatively short. The bottom line: you probably won't really missing a lot ;)
Siskoid said…
SFF: Sasquatch the Marvel character or Sasquatch the species? ;)
Thanks for the kind comments.

Jeremy: Phew!
SFF said…
Not the Marvel character, but that crazy duo that was kind of a Six Million Dollar Man off-shoot, Sasquatch and Wild Boy. HA!
SFF said…
Actually, now that I think about it, that was Big Foot and Wild Boy.
Anonymous said…
if any1 is interested i still have the complete six million dollar man bionic action club kit in the original envelope...