Cat of the Geek #49: Bowser

Name: Bowser
Stomping Grounds: Mr. Magoo (cartoon)
Side: Good
Breed: Siamese
Cat Powers: Best watchdog Mr. Magoo ever had. Leash trained.
Skills: Eat 6, Sleep 7, Mischief 5, Wit 4, Survive 8
Cat Weaknesses: Always in danger of losing his all 9 of his lives.


I always felt sorry for this kitty. How he ever got a can of 'cat food' for a meal is a miracle. Because you know that Magoo would be opening cans of lemon pie filling and dumping it in the cat dish. So Magoo can't see the can but he can hit the dish perfectly everytime. I fricken' hated Mr Magoo. He don't deserve a pet.
Blanco said…
I remember Mr. Magoo! I think I still have a VHS tape somewhere home with some of his animated cartoons.
Siskoid said…
Cal: Though I remember watching Mr. Magoo as a child and not feeling any ire towards him, he seems to generate a lot of hate on the internets. Hasn't aged well, let's say.