Robin just saved everyone a trip to New York to listen to the police band, but accessing it from his utility belt. And what thanks does he get?None. Today, Batman is known as a master strategist, and here we find out why. Because those who can't fly carrying those that can't would be the WRONG thing to do. And even then, Robin rebels. He's not gonna have his ass carried by his girlfriend. He will, however, swing on on a line off her charm bracelet.
And Robin, I think Batman's image is already spoiled by his being carried in the arms of Halo or Geo-Force.
Meanwhile, in Central Park... The villains of the piece are fighting amongst themselves. Instead of waiting to pick off the loser, Metamorpho picks a side.
Soft spot for the underdog, eh? That's the Outsiders for you. Psimon is mighty surprised!
Psimon - Did you check for bodies? No. Did you mentally scan for brainwaves? No. Did you read comics as a kid? No. And now you're gonna get a headful of sonic.
How does that work exactly? Psimon isn't really there. It's just a mental projection. Does it have "sensitive ears"? Not that it disables him for long...
Cyborg, my friend, you can only use that word if he actually murdered Dr. Light. Could we be that lucky?
No. Not dead. But he did get stared at pretty sternly by Batman and co. That's gotta be hard on the ego. Only one thing to do...
Back into the frying pan? Ok, your funeral (again, we're not that lucky - that time he died in the Suicide Squad didn't stick either). That diversion is two-fold. Step 1: Make Starfire break her neck. Step 2: That would be telling...
And Robin, I think Batman's image is already spoiled by his being carried in the arms of Halo or Geo-Force.
Meanwhile, in Central Park... The villains of the piece are fighting amongst themselves. Instead of waiting to pick off the loser, Metamorpho picks a side.
Soft spot for the underdog, eh? That's the Outsiders for you. Psimon is mighty surprised!
Psimon - Did you check for bodies? No. Did you mentally scan for brainwaves? No. Did you read comics as a kid? No. And now you're gonna get a headful of sonic.
How does that work exactly? Psimon isn't really there. It's just a mental projection. Does it have "sensitive ears"? Not that it disables him for long...
Cyborg, my friend, you can only use that word if he actually murdered Dr. Light. Could we be that lucky?
No. Not dead. But he did get stared at pretty sternly by Batman and co. That's gotta be hard on the ego. Only one thing to do...
Back into the frying pan? Ok, your funeral (again, we're not that lucky - that time he died in the Suicide Squad didn't stick either). That diversion is two-fold. Step 1: Make Starfire break her neck. Step 2: That would be telling...
And man, Robin sure is whiny. I mean, he has a point, but Robin? Point made. Let it go.
I know, I couldn't write that with a straight face.