Batman and the Outsiders #5: Pages 17-18

New York City has been mind controlled into becoming the collective minion of Psimon. What is he going to do with 8 million 1940s clichés?New York: The City that never ages (it's not just the heroes, it's everyone). And now, the narrating genius of Mike Barr:
So which ones are bad and which ones are good? Terra's not pictured, so maybe Barr means "bad" in the other sense. Geo-Force and Halo ARE pictured. A few more things of interest:
1) Confirmed! Batman is being "carried" by Halo.
2) Batman acts like he's the one flying, and she's the one being towed. It's all about image.
3) Robin is being carried by his girlfriend. Image FAIL!

Speaking of failing... Changeling. First, I would question whether it's a good idea to transform into a non-flying form so far from the Empire State Building, but I can't ever tell who is where in relation to what in Aparo's crazy perspectives. No, instead, I'll give him a fail for making a reference to a 1930s movie star to Halo of all people.
Has he not been around her long enough to hear "What is food?" or what? Even his own knowledge of 1930s movies is dubious. In 1983, should he have been referring to Jessica Lange? But that's me forgetting that the DC Universe is stuck in the 1940s again.

And now... a reference to underage drinking:
Bad, bad Changeling. Don't lend him your driver's license, you'll get it back gunked up with green marker. Speaking of identity theft, look how makes like Batman and orders the troops around...
...while Geo-Force makes use of his cotton candy powers and editor Len Wein gets so bored, he forgets to delete the "delete" comment in the margin. Delightful recursive irony!

Oh no! Regular people!
The threats, they keep coming! But they can keep 'til Sunday...


Austin Gorton said…
Robin is being carried by his girlfriend. Image FAIL!

Then again, his girlfriend is Starfire. With Batman getting flying help from Halo, I think the Boy Wonder wins another round!
Siskoid said…
Trust me, he wins THROUGHOUT.

The Outsiders don't have a chance. Probabaly because Marv Wolfman had something to say about how the Titans were characterized.
SFF said…
This is inspiration for me to check for these books in my collection. I pretty much have everything from Teen Titans/ George Perez. Great Stuff Siskoid. Thanks for revisiting it.