Name: Rusty (may be an alias)
Stomping Grounds: Mission Impossible episode "The Seal" (1967)
Side: Good
Breed: American shorthair
Cat Powers: IMF membership. Strong jaws. Impeccable sense of balance.
Skills: Eat 6, Sleep 2, Mischief 7, Wit 4, Cat Burglar 7
Cat Weaknesses: Fish lover. If caught and brought to the pound, its actions will be disavowed.
Stomping Grounds: Mission Impossible episode "The Seal" (1967)
Side: Good
Breed: American shorthair
Cat Powers: IMF membership. Strong jaws. Impeccable sense of balance.
Skills: Eat 6, Sleep 2, Mischief 7, Wit 4, Cat Burglar 7
Cat Weaknesses: Fish lover. If caught and brought to the pound, its actions will be disavowed.