Cat of the Geek #59: Mr. Bigglesworth

Name: Mr. Bigglesworth
Stomping Grounds: Austin Powers movies
Side: Evil
Breed: Sphinx, though started out life as a Persian. Cryogenic freeze will do that to a kitty.
Cat Powers: Gets upset when people make Dr. Evil angry. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset... PEOPLE DIE!
Skills: Eat 3, Sleep 7, Mischief 6, Wit 2, Simmering hate 8
Cat Weaknesses: "Like holding somebody's ass."


Everyone knows Bigglesworth is the true genius behind that whole Evil operation. It's everyone around him that messes up his master plans.
Siskoid said…
True of the experience of most cats.
Doctor Mi said…
For a second I thought you were referring to this Mr. Bigglesworth. What, has Siskoid been raiding Naxx?

Then again, this could be a Cat of the Gamer Geek.
Siskoid said…
Come back in a week, mein freund.