Cat of the Geek #70: Cats of Ulthar

Names: Unknown
Stomping Grounds: The eponymous story by H.P. Lovecraft, as well as his The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath
Side: Good(ish)
Breed: Abyssinians
Cat Powers: In Ulthar no man may kill a cat, under penalty of cats eating everyone in the city during the night.
Skills: Eat 10, Sleep 3, Mischief 7, Wit 5, I Can Haz Your Soul 10
Cat Weaknesses: Deeply unforgiving (as Lovecraft says of cats, "[she] remember that which she hath forgotten".)


Anonymous said…
So you played the Mythos card game, uh?

Siskoid said…

Found the image looking for pictures of Ultharian kitties.
Lazarus Lupin said…
One of lovecraft's better fantasy stories. It is short and to the point, and without lone poet staring into the middle distance cause the world doesn't understand him angst.

Lazarus Lupin
Art and review