Cat of the Geek #71: Spandy

Name: Spandy
Stomping Grounds: James Kochalka's autobiographical comics
Side: Good
Breed: American shorthair
Cat Powers: Can understand and speak "human", but not always very well. Able to hide her true pelt colors for most of her black and white appearances.
Skills: Eat 7, Sleep 8, Mischief 5, Wit 7, Cute 9
Cat Weaknesses: Snuggling by the computer. Not getting presents from Santa. A human that doesn't close the bathroom door and then you just walk in and he's doing his business.


FoldedSoup said…
One of my favorite cat scenes *ever* was with Spandy and James where she's eating grass and he comments, "You know, you're just gonna throw that up later.."

She says, in perfect cat obviousness, "I know."

That's cat.