Movie Marquee Friday: This Means War

Going to the market, bundling meat...
In a Mexican village far from Japan...

This is the club you will belong to...

"Who do you send against me now?"

They all file into their comic book shopping center...

At least they cast shadows...

Controlling mothers may topple governments...


Austin Gorton said…
I've been meaning to ask this for as long as you've been doing these posts, but where do you get these screen shots? Do you make them yourself?
Siskoid said…
Yes I do. All films used are from my own collection.
Austin Gorton said…
Wow. I knew they were all from your collection, but I didn't know you were making the screen shots. Impressive.
Siskoid said…
Just pop 'em in, wait for the title to show up and take the cap, not that much to it.

Same thing I do to get the caps for Doctor Who cards, really.